Saturday, January 29, 2011

Grey Boots look so GREY and Dingy!


Everything is sooooo dirty and drab that seeing colorful boots just brighten my day. The day is so grey that brown and black even look cheerful!

We spend hundreds of dollars on new boots, how in our right minds can we pick grey? They look dingy the first time on and do not age well.

This is my campaign, NO GREY BOOTS IN FEBRUARY! Please help me spread the word. Don't be a fashion fatality :( wear anything but grey boots. Oh how I wish this winter would end today. Oh how sick I am of the snow. Oh please take me to the Bahamas!!!!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Spring 2011 Shoes. Footwear fashion and style!

So after getting well over two feet of snow this week I am sooooo ready for Spring! Bye bye winter coats, ugly salt covered clothing and slush. Hello sandals and skirts!!!!

PLATFORMS & STRAPPY WRAP SANDALS are hot, hot, hot for Spring!

I'm tired of winter. Tired of bundling up to get the mail. Tired of looking outside but nothing is green. Tired of hiding under layers and layers. I want to go outside, get some sunshine on my pale skin. Feel the warm breeze on my face. Show off my pedicure in cute sandals. Oh please!!! Just wake me when all the snow melts!!!!!
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